This function generates K multivariate normal data sets, where each class is generated with a constant mean vector and a covariance matrix consisting of block-diagonal autocorrelation matrices. The data are returned as a single matrix x along with a vector of class labels y that indicates class membership.

generate_blockdiag(n, mu, num_blocks, block_size, rho, sigma2 = rep(1, K))



vector of the sample sizes of each class. The length of n determines the number of classes K.


matrix containing the mean vectors for each class. Expected to have p rows and K columns.


the number of block matrices. See details.


the dimensions of the square block matrix. See details.


vector of the values of the autocorrelation parameter for each class covariance matrix. Must equal the length of n (i.e., equal to K).


vector of the variance coefficients for each class covariance matrix. Must equal the length of n (i.e., equal to K).


named list with elements:

  • x: matrix of observations with n rows and p columns

  • y: vector of class labels that indicates class membership for each observation (row) in x.


For simplicity, we assume that a class mean vector is constant for each feature. That is, we assume that the mean vector of the \(k\)th class is \(c_k * j_p\), where \(j_p\) is a \(p \times 1\) vector of ones and \(c_k\) is a real scalar.

The \(k\)th class covariance matrix is defined as $$\Sigma_k = \Sigma^{(\rho)} \oplus \Sigma^{(-\rho)} \oplus \ldots \oplus \Sigma^{(\rho)},$$ where \(\oplus\) denotes the direct sum and the \((i,j)\)th entry of \(\Sigma^{(\rho)}\) is $$\Sigma_{ij}^{(\rho)} = \{ \rho^{|i - j|} \}.$$

The matrix \(\Sigma^{(\rho)}\) is referred to as a block. Its dimensions are provided in the block_size argument, and the number of blocks are specified in the num_blocks argument.

Each matrix \(\Sigma_k\) is generated by the cov_block_autocorrelation() function.

The number of classes K is determined with lazy evaluation as the length of n.

The number of features p is computed as block_size * num_blocks.


# Generates data from K = 3 classes. means <- matrix(rep(1:3, each=9), ncol=3) data <- generate_blockdiag(n = c(15, 15, 15), block_size = 3, num_blocks = 3, rho = seq(.1, .9, length = 3), mu = means) data$x
#> [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] #> [1,] 0.4837275 0.38971795 -0.686043277 0.60265943 0.6046112 3.67142428 #> [2,] -0.4660931 1.00103611 0.005328557 0.97446250 0.5420383 0.36568044 #> [3,] 1.5422629 0.53674065 0.977550113 2.18935088 2.4375404 -0.01952462 #> [4,] 0.9399582 0.86710067 0.108935161 0.55284913 0.9277010 0.58350982 #> [5,] 1.6430146 -0.02091586 0.909150651 -0.49226202 2.0729881 0.77923156 #> [6,] 0.1788846 0.49221281 2.256376014 0.77171842 -0.0697155 1.10875326 #> [7,] 0.0316075 1.40812238 1.103796579 1.88609142 0.8574065 1.82744038 #> [8,] 0.7793774 -0.42076834 1.569183188 1.48283697 1.0253929 1.15276186 #> [9,] 0.6569110 -0.31181732 1.632006801 1.50569684 0.1137671 -0.63231702 #> [10,] -0.3362567 0.03281909 2.031591831 1.43940715 1.6959700 2.84378569 #> [11,] 2.2676593 3.04410705 -0.267754438 -0.18865682 0.1856995 -0.09234226 #> [12,] 3.0394829 1.20514848 0.929034699 1.49637104 1.0554982 0.87180979 #> [13,] 1.3656479 0.64256058 0.462732621 -0.04602268 1.3651860 0.84360849 #> [14,] 2.2386351 0.83882633 1.937865670 -0.22438824 0.4615037 0.70316993 #> [15,] 1.1940619 0.03573754 0.225498233 2.06442690 2.3676785 2.31396455 #> [16,] 2.0561598 2.40786546 1.238053481 0.83998631 1.4709132 0.75135760 #> [17,] 1.2014991 1.60354502 0.959743424 1.94372192 2.9630203 3.11530618 #> [18,] 3.2108122 2.97941041 2.123439621 -0.52956352 1.5242695 2.30552783 #> [19,] 1.9919861 3.24348031 2.742780920 1.26627385 3.2823550 3.38554991 #> [20,] 2.6569098 2.28732009 2.407926161 3.95867892 1.3215151 -0.00147656 #> [21,] 1.7597395 3.83397260 2.356152751 1.58239458 1.9410505 2.74278106 #> [22,] 2.8134802 2.41113107 2.791682289 1.89129056 2.0300320 2.43588379 #> [23,] 1.6409675 1.01337087 0.806641036 1.49904475 2.2863787 1.68472865 #> [24,] 2.9043549 1.85629418 2.162391955 2.22491351 2.4659191 3.74771154 #> [25,] 1.2508665 1.91353991 2.620899208 1.41152733 1.2096736 1.91233497 #> [26,] 0.4976387 0.82198537 1.172764183 2.10512505 2.5127239 1.74729204 #> [27,] 2.7016872 0.73855711 1.775015759 3.40411140 2.8076798 1.51105372 #> [28,] 3.1516671 2.23383608 2.840774281 1.24201700 0.2402703 0.75913163 #> [29,] 1.9752283 2.20822600 3.746735138 0.59497838 1.3522796 2.09760162 #> [30,] 0.7112391 2.76741383 1.537423300 1.46876978 0.9268473 1.82410035 #> [31,] 3.9697129 4.17522638 3.672611238 2.90138974 2.9500023 3.25707917 #> [32,] 2.7894530 2.97358119 2.681497456 3.45236670 3.8968922 3.76676083 #> [33,] 3.6848267 3.00165783 3.127138031 2.40130943 2.1217621 1.94458157 #> [34,] 1.0227487 1.43279340 1.719179816 1.02664123 1.2936484 1.41275480 #> [35,] 3.4979760 4.21476546 4.120373992 1.66062182 2.1133580 2.03538190 #> [36,] 3.3632290 3.24261564 3.100381005 4.20111346 3.3304433 3.11545227 #> [37,] 0.7850060 1.28705101 1.172833573 4.91790570 4.8493804 4.43518623 #> [38,] 2.5707094 2.82535557 2.695206293 2.55355285 2.6664750 2.10664450 #> [39,] 3.5288912 3.56953688 4.188690946 4.67271937 5.1815008 4.01484548 #> [40,] 1.6450799 1.72231937 2.101744553 3.61803270 3.1725941 2.11530547 #> [41,] 2.4559857 1.55108692 2.215705781 2.35122044 2.3159044 2.39811115 #> [42,] 0.2390692 0.33076314 0.437526645 3.59669581 3.3015337 3.38215654 #> [43,] 2.7763010 2.79639767 2.822620660 3.93249742 3.4249583 3.69939077 #> [44,] 3.8096861 4.19394146 4.213318628 2.79731712 2.7628440 2.48448013 #> [45,] 2.8212038 3.57611376 3.839348815 2.10649507 1.9202212 2.24816517 #> [,7] [,8] [,9] #> [1,] -0.3591482 0.9941251 -0.4899978 #> [2,] -1.0826947 -0.3139406 1.1104510 #> [3,] 0.9411394 2.1691383 0.5904959 #> [4,] 2.0863094 0.5542221 0.5475066 #> [5,] 0.4708012 -0.2589332 0.9285783 #> [6,] 0.6725970 1.6420210 2.4587589 #> [7,] -0.6551406 2.6412159 1.9416112 #> [8,] 0.4361725 1.3534108 1.3105309 #> [9,] 1.1883948 0.6786544 1.2358091 #> [10,] 1.0298659 -0.9727906 1.2337943 #> [11,] 0.3412894 0.7227375 -0.2114046 #> [12,] 2.4592587 0.7931723 -0.2872943 #> [13,] 1.5008283 0.7590796 0.3325428 #> [14,] 0.6768765 2.3246444 1.0432315 #> [15,] -0.2725840 3.0266411 2.1129082 #> [16,] 2.4077085 3.0020632 1.3477863 #> [17,] 1.9005463 0.3512341 1.5213628 #> [18,] 2.1255017 2.2668094 2.4595812 #> [19,] 2.3218354 0.5090887 1.1151326 #> [20,] 2.1346881 1.5373583 2.2839439 #> [21,] 1.6859912 0.5030966 1.5976901 #> [22,] 2.6408584 1.0748832 1.7519429 #> [23,] 1.1647448 1.6462745 0.7734516 #> [24,] 1.4951166 2.8722590 2.2372148 #> [25,] 2.7990228 1.8314765 0.7416726 #> [26,] 1.1059882 2.3576352 2.3091892 #> [27,] 2.4430431 1.2545896 1.4160010 #> [28,] 0.7974974 1.1901239 1.4489292 #> [29,] 3.7111384 2.8012901 3.3740021 #> [30,] 4.2219093 4.4425230 1.7431991 #> [31,] 4.5625114 4.3202036 4.0929528 #> [32,] 3.4156462 3.3584642 3.7164174 #> [33,] 3.8479380 4.1821011 4.4927390 #> [34,] 1.4713737 1.1232186 1.8793616 #> [35,] 3.5337524 3.1950885 2.9037587 #> [36,] 2.0663453 2.6621765 3.1283009 #> [37,] 4.0903680 3.4672814 3.8817135 #> [38,] 2.7304916 2.8210357 2.6639953 #> [39,] 4.7486971 5.0931624 4.5249174 #> [40,] 1.8976859 1.9807971 1.5673776 #> [41,] 3.3558694 3.3384170 3.1203151 #> [42,] 1.7032703 2.1318134 2.6279582 #> [43,] 3.2084309 2.5883581 2.8695959 #> [44,] 2.0029741 1.6833399 1.6678482 #> [45,] 5.1264518 4.7724621 3.3995850
#> [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 #> [39] 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 #> Levels: 1 2 3
# Generates data from K = 4 classes. Notice that we use specify a variance. means <- matrix(rep(1:4, each=9), ncol=4) data <- generate_blockdiag(n = c(15, 15, 15, 20), block_size = 3, num_blocks = 3, rho = seq(.1, .9, length = 4), mu = means) data$x
#> [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] #> [1,] 0.72006295 2.50968486 1.0371282 2.5809962 0.77736992 1.5935435 #> [2,] -0.23382545 0.35581511 1.3350452 -0.9930424 -0.95103488 -0.2177700 #> [3,] 1.15629815 0.90841191 0.2930293 2.3048003 -0.03708009 0.7221426 #> [4,] 1.58515231 2.44275865 1.8331853 0.3854451 1.11891453 2.3760803 #> [5,] 1.91531856 1.80723085 1.3414790 2.4180779 -0.40149845 1.8389022 #> [6,] 1.96409560 1.04854307 -0.5591542 -0.9785244 1.43555907 0.9462257 #> [7,] 0.78884642 -0.03599171 -1.0276713 0.8399892 2.12554614 2.9264076 #> [8,] 1.02523559 0.48200363 -0.7566558 -0.2472712 1.26912356 -0.4422473 #> [9,] 0.99759601 0.99468297 1.1511059 1.5905145 0.89160232 0.7477137 #> [10,] -1.11709933 1.90349702 0.7950314 1.4743093 2.04807568 1.8854857 #> [11,] 1.83003035 0.43700425 -0.9372898 -0.8428592 1.26245142 3.2259908 #> [12,] 0.39523156 1.93648983 1.3977478 1.2592017 2.04631001 1.7973434 #> [13,] 1.61008726 0.62252596 1.4323031 1.3557646 0.77196504 1.4527894 #> [14,] 2.35493243 0.37043258 0.1957381 1.4655394 0.09217967 0.5074039 #> [15,] 1.57834173 -0.63303941 -0.4305290 -1.9716318 1.69081490 1.2810118 #> [16,] 1.08500017 2.58075637 3.3261639 0.4008984 1.08497468 1.5247416 #> [17,] 3.28108435 2.41581338 2.7891009 3.6365149 2.74042491 3.1858784 #> [18,] 2.78584765 2.57253830 1.9559505 0.8761290 2.23276765 1.1563916 #> [19,] 2.17221296 1.80385171 0.7091649 3.1109502 1.86402996 3.1298195 #> [20,] 1.53802692 1.42892183 1.0546089 0.8804292 2.22189581 1.2587978 #> [21,] -0.19742163 1.34743647 1.9981726 2.3099628 2.24975492 1.1046577 #> [22,] 0.63983961 0.81537129 2.3514292 1.7737748 2.01730654 3.6364144 #> [23,] 1.75412872 3.16723533 1.8560818 1.1977149 0.81912669 2.0767053 #> [24,] 2.62219980 3.55643208 2.9297257 0.7798584 0.99312894 1.0845718 #> [25,] 1.32371382 1.65195119 2.6250005 1.8320472 1.52799426 2.8282417 #> [26,] 0.41089952 -0.34766386 -0.5985621 2.5273115 1.55430619 1.6651676 #> [27,] 0.03238952 1.34534013 2.0089318 -0.1610937 1.94020132 2.3509359 #> [28,] 2.58592903 2.07780268 1.9492722 2.2282344 2.66085312 1.7190757 #> [29,] 2.55493525 3.37661086 1.3495153 1.6726798 1.13727924 2.6928362 #> [30,] 0.93408918 1.66355194 1.7025011 2.3751553 0.71274306 0.6304495 #> [31,] 3.30267500 3.34484516 4.6595699 3.4432112 3.52367713 3.9629046 #> [32,] 0.49145965 1.22794531 2.3542493 2.3704711 3.51664238 3.7312447 #> [33,] 2.67337380 2.70862658 3.4257134 4.2013194 3.50473677 2.3154394 #> [34,] 0.62348118 1.42279245 2.2779663 3.8499711 3.21282074 5.7458922 #> [35,] 2.39763817 2.74043583 3.4855281 1.5344578 0.89198756 2.2836197 #> [36,] 2.91267794 3.04771009 1.3668021 2.0006486 2.83932557 2.6006232 #> [37,] 1.96548434 1.68401063 2.2177903 2.5327458 1.67646217 1.9029744 #> [38,] 2.17207504 3.08698894 2.7733371 2.0423393 2.91821059 2.6540454 #> [39,] 2.65311666 3.15153189 3.3341759 3.3230195 3.26507915 3.0969656 #> [40,] 2.89851729 4.09831928 3.4825534 2.4304656 2.89731106 2.8045737 #> [41,] 4.43795625 4.01090464 2.6993258 3.0144331 4.85991877 5.1883635 #> [42,] 3.28624352 3.26415536 3.1674590 4.4852763 3.74172305 4.5274775 #> [43,] 3.51572410 4.07404480 3.2573418 5.2182756 6.14340689 4.9547298 #> [44,] 4.10527745 1.07894985 2.4818496 2.9211736 2.72914651 1.6303762 #> [45,] 3.69107107 3.85740973 2.5449406 2.9885306 3.21826639 3.2954688 #> [46,] 3.13628972 3.85571810 4.1296241 4.2232714 3.61826511 3.7035095 #> [47,] 4.79607669 4.59881726 4.1329528 3.4338962 2.89205449 3.5748143 #> [48,] 2.71059530 3.03482492 3.9153128 3.6263187 3.33600367 3.8670246 #> [49,] 4.99728613 5.65872274 5.9287816 2.1856762 2.16102443 2.2961219 #> [50,] 5.89345346 5.85531893 5.7366763 3.4479320 3.07140914 3.0601924 #> [51,] 2.58299350 3.13807424 4.0411756 2.6087947 2.57473764 3.3340809 #> [52,] 4.83408572 4.74820515 4.5125068 1.5050001 2.80425918 2.8041752 #> [53,] 6.36901376 6.35925509 7.3497929 5.5077244 5.57234765 5.4415707 #> [54,] 4.75852675 4.46840436 3.8685800 4.5528293 3.56411920 3.6296859 #> [55,] 3.61619155 3.15128607 3.1914359 2.4477121 1.48833842 2.0060835 #> [56,] 4.67400558 4.29542271 4.5690799 1.6669728 1.62905076 1.5572283 #> [57,] 5.31587192 5.90585158 6.1819884 3.4775637 3.66411622 3.3232783 #> [58,] 4.37100588 4.32659532 4.3595986 3.7599093 3.57585139 3.6729331 #> [59,] 2.47427410 2.35716283 2.4500691 2.0012257 1.75732008 2.8425585 #> [60,] 3.61791108 4.02370358 4.0706896 4.5682705 4.49172048 4.6542891 #> [61,] 5.39392516 4.69745587 5.3269894 3.7308722 3.83264530 3.9118930 #> [62,] 3.42015394 2.97696515 3.6418286 4.2966201 4.92747348 4.6724190 #> [63,] 3.91212054 3.35665558 2.6282404 2.7106100 2.94883168 3.4629260 #> [64,] 3.57793328 3.24829624 3.3374894 2.9447068 2.96826321 3.7707887 #> [65,] 3.40855238 3.87260824 4.0325659 5.1174411 4.77161222 4.5058291 #> [,7] [,8] [,9] #> [1,] 1.3888692 4.2782215 2.0815907 #> [2,] 0.7134238 2.2046945 0.7867863 #> [3,] 0.6852507 1.5937671 2.6305134 #> [4,] -0.5436521 1.2380546 0.8537834 #> [5,] -0.5478227 1.5117504 1.1129848 #> [6,] 0.4116254 0.6275883 0.3117320 #> [7,] 1.0021851 0.9678116 1.9577473 #> [8,] 1.9790900 -0.3003157 0.7432878 #> [9,] 1.1442161 0.6523308 2.5143984 #> [10,] 0.4124189 2.4459791 -0.5452108 #> [11,] 1.3327206 2.1835567 1.8951803 #> [12,] 0.3906247 1.3182970 0.1263629 #> [13,] 1.5665002 0.8572077 2.1613895 #> [14,] 1.7660092 0.3716988 -0.9513590 #> [15,] 1.5037941 1.8636937 1.0020568 #> [16,] 0.8305026 2.3238389 1.4729123 #> [17,] 1.9306815 0.5828442 1.7555002 #> [18,] 0.8169474 2.1187659 0.8346360 #> [19,] 1.4265707 1.3517611 1.8394682 #> [20,] 0.5144688 1.1101089 1.0499065 #> [21,] 1.4626405 0.8498557 1.1745063 #> [22,] 1.8825186 1.6076982 2.6320838 #> [23,] 3.3877716 1.9731678 2.2666570 #> [24,] 2.1571449 2.0896549 2.3677438 #> [25,] 1.9328849 1.4309546 3.5109414 #> [26,] 2.1161977 1.3076280 0.3506799 #> [27,] 3.3117665 2.4341848 2.2978838 #> [28,] 1.3017411 0.8971281 0.8754272 #> [29,] 1.7391336 2.1784971 2.3581994 #> [30,] 2.6100620 1.4514038 1.2832284 #> [31,] 2.7875317 2.6824662 2.0036474 #> [32,] 2.9198625 2.4540105 1.6947576 #> [33,] 4.9188832 4.5057074 3.7987116 #> [34,] 0.4974200 1.8927351 2.2729016 #> [35,] 3.1012112 3.2006138 3.6195461 #> [36,] 3.6784441 2.6349480 3.5075160 #> [37,] 2.2758852 3.7410885 3.8002682 #> [38,] 3.9506209 3.4852200 4.1888790 #> [39,] 3.4957524 4.4789842 4.2688542 #> [40,] 2.6526348 1.9019706 1.9400741 #> [41,] 2.2795305 2.4259318 4.9112120 #> [42,] 2.7891726 3.0512140 2.1601315 #> [43,] 2.7289281 2.8685891 2.5855152 #> [44,] 3.4635728 3.6375651 4.2702726 #> [45,] 2.7251918 3.9043002 2.7886866 #> [46,] 3.4569644 4.1721506 4.1875739 #> [47,] 3.5829017 2.7972278 2.2294968 #> [48,] 2.5394152 3.3131303 3.9761110 #> [49,] 5.2604548 5.4400485 5.5570382 #> [50,] 5.7436137 6.2511987 6.3095657 #> [51,] 6.4949478 6.5103978 5.9718171 #> [52,] 3.9166910 3.2378176 2.7639895 #> [53,] 3.7308866 3.9368867 4.4558645 #> [54,] 6.4698142 5.9380870 5.8794776 #> [55,] 4.3972499 4.0182020 3.9255317 #> [56,] 4.5006888 4.5616382 5.0923976 #> [57,] 3.7092706 3.0566732 2.9401584 #> [58,] 4.8086171 4.1281048 3.5276900 #> [59,] 4.1467460 3.7825643 3.5435446 #> [60,] 4.7903120 4.8526495 4.8185695 #> [61,] 2.3272187 1.7319021 2.3861869 #> [62,] 3.5397475 3.8763627 3.9958478 #> [63,] 3.1727404 3.0103588 2.9286183 #> [64,] 2.7673808 3.1701822 3.0939973 #> [65,] 5.4167780 4.2635091 3.8451107
#> [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 #> [39] 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 #> Levels: 1 2 3 4